I think that had like when you are in a concert or single, when you are in formation and you choose a character, you can see a little descrpition of him, it would be nice to had in the description his will ( for me it's boring to see on my character list where my character want to be for claim his wishes ), and i think that it should pretty easy to add . I think that when a a girl from office LVL up her competence DEALS , she should have like a better chance for negotiations because it's boring when she is LVL max for this competence, and she failed ( didn't need to be like at 100 % LVL max but i think that every LVL up, she have a 2,5 % bonus for negotiations to be accepted, so if it's 55 % for 2 stars, for 10 stars / LVL max then it's 75 % . It's not cheated, but this is legit :p ) . And also keep up your excellent work :-)