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So I have gone far enough into the game in my experience  and I would suggest a few balancing fixes about some of the harder fights in the late game.

The first time I noticed a fight to be much more reliant on luck is when I fought the Queen Bunny in the casino(which is also better named "Bunny Queen" in english, but it doesn't matter). 

The annoying thing about that encounter is that if you randomly get grabbed 3 times you automatically lose not because you get much weaker, but for the fact that the enemies completely refills their health, thus making the fight impossible. Other than that detail, I think the fight is balanced.

The second annoying fight I encountered was against Fu, the fighter guarding the vampire dungeon entrance in the bottom right of the castle.

The mechanics in this encounter are interesting and you can't just brute force this fight with dps, rather you have to pay attention to your current debuffs. The main issue here is that the enemy gets to play not once, but twice per turn. This is the most frustrating factor of this fight as the enemy can do whatever they want and you have little to do about it. 

If she uses twice the Nightmare Sly, it's pretty much a oneshot. If she spams the agility debuff you are also fucked because you have to remove it as soon as possible to avoid being drained and the fact that she gets to act before you means she can drain you in that instanand this does not enable any counterplay from the player.

The same issue (2 turns for enemies) can be said about the fight against Leena, the second mermaid as she has such good stats that she can outheal any of your damage . In particular, dealing damage to her with the strongest of my abilities would deal like 10k damage and she would heal for like 25k health per cast, making this another unbalanced encounter in my opinion.

Finally, the last fight I found myself stuck at the duo fight against the mermaids as if you get stunned in any way possible you get drained and success chances lower by a lot.

As I was writing this message, I gave the duo fight a few more tries and I managed to barely get past it using a combination of the Tornado ability spam and hoping for critical hits. I still think that this duo fight is also unbalanced as the enemies have plentiful ways of stunning you at any time.

In my experience, the fights mentioned above were quite frustrating to get past, especially the Fu one so I would suggest giving them some changes. Still, I'm not a game developer and I only wanted to share my thought as a player. I also think that the scenes are well-made and the game's mechanics are quite unique from the plenty other games I played.

Hello ! 

I want to really thank you for you detailed feedback !
I know there is few hard battle , So I'll continue to keep a eyes on them,
I'm glad you said from your experience ,which one was your hardest.
With all of the better gear, the battle can be easier, but I still need to find a way to make him more easier without the greatest gear !

Did you play 0.9.0 or The balance is better in the new version. I brought up the issue of the mermaid boss heals in the old version.

(1 edit)

I was playing in 0.9.0 and my bad, I didn't read your past comments as I was still having my first playthrough and didn't want anything spoiled.

I'm glad the healing issue with that boss is fixed. 

Another thing, is my gallery completed with all the current fights? (still 0.9.0)

I don't know if the middle holes are supposed to be there, so I would like to know if I skipped some encounters (most likely).

I remember there being an enemy that interacts with you when you sleep but I don't think I've fought it.

Also, as you can see from the image, the duo fight against the mermaids is missing. Maybe it was fixed in the latest updates, but the duo only shows in the defeat scenes.

One of those center squares is taken up in, the boss added with that version. The other two are not added yet. I'm assuming the squares on the lower right are also for future enemies, like the Casino Bunnies.

The Duo Fight with the mermaids might be the only one working properly as a refight, as it's a known bug that visiting the recollection room will unlock all of the fights. Finding that fight shouldn't be hard, it is in the main tower.