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The writing and design was great, and I thought a lot of visual choices were cute. I'd like to see more from you, and some finer tuning it'll be wonderful. 
(Some example of finer tuning: Less fourth wall breaks unless the entire game from the beginning establishes that's the type of story it is
Easier to know how to get to the next plot point, unless you want the game to be open world, in which case add more things to do
Fixing some NPC dialogue to fit with the current moment (some new about the murder before it happened))
Loved your game thanks so much for sharing your talent!


Thank you for liking the game and thank you very much for the precious suggestions. I will definitely consider them in the sequel of this game, which I plan to do in Bakin. For this one, I didn't have enough time to prepare since I knew this Jam when there were only 7 days left.  


impressive work in seven days!