OK I pushed out a possible fix for this. Try downloading the new NONFAST version and let me know if this fixed the issue.
By super speedy I meant the game was happening faster. The time was ticking faster (and all things time related), the character was moving so fast I had trouble controlling it. Things like that. I'm not even sure now if that was what the 'FASTER' download was supposed to do, let alone the normal download like I'm talking about. It's interesting too because I watched a friend download the same version and theirs played at the proper pace so I'm really not certain what the problem was. Anyway, I redownloaded it after seeing you responded to check if you somehow fixed whatever the problem was and it seems like you did! So thank you for the quick fix!
The issue had to do with your monitor having a higher Hz monitor (96 Hz or 144 Hz) then the standard 60 Hz most people have. For some reason the settings I had to control frame rate didn't account correctly for the refresh rate of higher monitors. The only why I could test it was to actually lower the refresh rate of my monitor to 40 Hz. I noticed it was slower then normal game play. I switched some sync settings in Game Maker and found one that didn't slow the game down. Glad this worked!
The FASTER download is suppose to run faster if you are noticing some slow game play (only useful for older computers). The reason it isn't the standard game play is because it is more buggy and takes much longer to compile.