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wow! i rly enjoyed ths game i love the idea of them being unaware of the stalker in their house but slowly but surely deteriorating, i also liked the chase when we were running upstairs from the stalker. However i comend you to keep making games or to work on this project in the future bc it has a lot of potential to be better bc i feel like other things would benefit you like; having other things to do within the game. Having to do the same thing everyday is kind of repetitive, even tho u get worse everyday, its kinda like the only good thing abt it. Another critique try making it more obvious that hes slowly dying, because the red gets worse everyday and hes slower, but you could've showed with many other things, like him stinging the shower, vomitting out blood, maybe struggling down the stairs or tripping down the stairs, or dropping the pills all over the floor. Making it more obvious that he is dying or that he is unwell. It didn't make sense but i did like the computer and the bookcase because it changeed a lot!  Try to addd more to your future games and give it more depth  because it feels redundant.  also the ending doesn't make sense. but i highly encourage you to pick it up but there's only a couple things  you were lacking on. But other than that the game was cool and it had a lot of potential.


ty for ur feedback! It means a lot! :D

There were some additional things I wanted to such as add random events like the protagonist throwing up, but in all honesty, I had no idea how to have it work how I wanted it to without the character being stuck or having it be mandatory. Collapsing on day six was supposed to be a random event but it just didn't work how I wanted it to, so I made it a cutscene. That doesn't mean I can't figure it out though! I'll be sure to add more random events in my next rpgmaker game :)! I'll definitely be adding more stuff lol