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I swear to god all these men are making me fuzzy inside... First Lucas and now Njero.. I loved the game by the way! It was so cute <3 I'll probably play it again and Insomnia too. They're both really comforting games. Keep up the good work author! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) 


Giving my players the warm fuzzies is what I aspire to do, so I'm overjoyed to hear that!! 🥰 (I'm also kickin' my feet rn, knowing that you like both Lucas and Njero LMAO) There's actually a separate project I've been working on recently and I'll do my best to upload it this week! I hope you'll play it as well, my friend! ^^ 


Oh I'm so hyped up for another masterpiece of yours! ( •̀ ω •́ )✧