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Short and sweet, good "on the go" game, but I think it could be better like;

adding a little more freedom to the harpoon would be great; because clicking on the bird or above it is just not enough and annoying, like in couple parts where I tried to shoot the bird but the flower refuses even tho I'm almost positive it was in the range, some other times I'm trying to pre-shot the spawning bird but again I can't so I fall out of range having to go… Well not through a lot really; there's no THAT kind of big falls, even that hole on the left never did I get that close to it.

Also, adding a restart button would be lovely; specifically for someone like me who were trying to aim for the leaderboard.


thanks for the feedback

indeed i notice that , i could solve that by making the harpoon act like a gun but that may add a new layer of difficulty but i could fix that ,
for the level i thoght an easy (finishable) game is better snice pepole wont spen too much time learning
the restart button is good idea also , but we didnt playtest so much and we forget about it