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(2 edits)

I'll be giving this version a go. Thank you.

Edit: First try. Well... after a couple of minutes (yes, minutes once again) it showed the "let's take a moment to calibrate your screen" message and.... crashes.

Second try. After a couple of minutes again it showed the same message, and this time I was able to get past it, reaching the main menu of the game.  Fingers crossed I'll be able to keep playing, but it seems to be running (for) now.

Edit part two: It runs, but it also crashes every couple of minutes or so. It's very unstable and every time I restart it's back to waiting minutes of loading the main menu. It's an improvement as the game will actually run, but compared to the previous build I had on my phone it's a huge step backwards. I could play that version hours on end without any crashes.