so fun! i enjoyed the feeling of the movement.
- at first it was hard for me to go where i wanted, but i got into the feeling of it and it created some fun tension that i was never quite in control; it added to the feeling of being an out of control taxi racing against time. it certainly heightened the feeling of nerve racking "will i make it in time".
- I'm curious how you decided what time to assign as the goal for each run. I found I was always reaching my goal just barely in time, so cheers to the perfect balance however you did it.
- I did have a moment after about 4 trips where I got a location name and I though "oh i know where that is" which was a fun moment and I know part of your goal for the theme (expanding your knowledge of the map), so you hit that on the head too.
- this is probably on your list of 'to dos', but my suggestion would be some visual cues to help people mentally map the space. it would be cool if there were visual landmarks, or biomes, "neighborhoods" etc. marked so you could start to map it. trees, houses, etc. even just different colors in a gradient across the map would help start to map in my mind. maybe street signs or the names of the streets written on the road.
- As i said in the discord a while back, liked the compass implementation. it gave the right amount of information (general direction) without giving too much information. left room to still get a little bit (just the right amount) of lost while trying to make the target.