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Carroty, carroty, carroty...  WHAT HAVE YOU DONE???????????????

I'll have to be honest with you, I CRIED GOSH I NEVER CRIED SO MUCH PLAYING A VN????????????????????? I'll explain in the spoilers part why but AAAAH MY HEART IS ACHING AND I'M CRYING (transparent lol) TEARS EVEN AS I'M WRITING THIS YOU MADE ME NUMB AAAAH (for players trying to understand what this means: the climax of part 5 1 1/2 is very emotional, and the perfect conclusion to what has been going through so far, and sets all the characters before what is the final confrontation).

The art? IMMACULATE, gosh, I loved the sprite work (at first I thought "Wow, Orlam looks like a [redacted for spoilers]" AND THEN THE PLOT AND THEN WOW????). I have to highlight the quality of the animations too, some parts of this VN really just feel like watching a animated feature!!!!!! The way the things are presented, the timing with the EXCELLENTLY chosen tracks (for instance, the one played in what I'll call the "rabbit hole" is a song I genuinely like! Thanks for the discovery!), WOW?????? I would say it was as amazing as usual but somehow, everytime it all gets better erfrgbhrfrfv undefeated Ren'Py animator, the inspiration behind me playing more with colour matrixes, animations and blur in my own games erfgntr

The writing also was extremely good for a stylistic standpoint!! I loved how there was a lot of French expressions, some I didn't even know were used in English (well, admittedly, this only concerns "bric-à-brac", but the more you know!). I don't think I ever underlined how good the writing is in your game, but let me emphasise it here: the vocabulary is always perfectly chosen both to describe what is happening and to set the mood. The characters all have a very distinctive way of talking which helps selling their personalities.

Now, that's all I can say without spoilers, so now, if you guys can forgive me, I'm going to spoil below.


ORLAM ISN'T THE ONLY ONE WHO NEEDS TO TAKE HIS HEART OUT OF HIS CHEST APPARENTLY BECAUSE YOU HIT RIGHT WHERE YOU SHOULD!!!!! Orlam deciding to end his own suffering by BASICALLY BECOMING A ZOMBIE (that's what I actually thought when I saw his sprites: "Wow, he looks like a zombie??") BECAUSE ALL HIS MEMORIES BRING HIM AWFUL FEELINGS??? HIS ABUSE? HIS PAST RELATIONSHIP WITH GENZOU (somehow, it really gave an Adam x Alex vibe although YOU MADE IT SO MUCH MORE EMOTIONAL 3EFVBGFTEBDFDERFGHNGERFV5214DERFVB)??????? And the conclusion???? The climax?? Genzou finally opening up to Orlam, and holly golly did I not expect you to take the internalised homophobia turn (although Orlam is bi if I remember correctly)? Genzou just bullying Orlam because he represents everything he hates about himself?? It's hearbreaking for the both of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Orlam finally becoming human again (well, if you go beyond the metaphor, finally feeling a bit of peace about his trauma) once Genzou finally acknowledges that the way he was treated was wrong?? When Gidget and Iggy couldn't? When Genzou could have just insulted him as he's used to???? This made me cry so much, you have no idea Carrot, I have a headache so I hope I make sense but it was intense and beautiful????? Certainly my favourite scene in a VN ever????????????????????

In general, I also liked how the characters start taking accountability for their actions and decide to forgive each other (Iggy forgiving Gidget, for example, for everything they did to him in Wonderland; and reciprocally, Gidget forgiving Iggy for everything he said to them IRL; Genzou admitting he isn't a good person and needs to do better, and actually DOES better!!!). And the fact Orlam's character arc here is all about questioning this?? Is it enough to be sorry to excuse one's actions?? Can words heal years of trauma, of abuse or of resentment and bitterness? The answer is of course "no", but they are a starting point, it's finally accepting to adress the problem, to acknowledge its existence and to tiptoe your way to healing. It was addressed very well, and that's why the final scene with Orlam felt so emotional! Gosh, you certainly made of Orlam my favourite character (despite Gidget actually frightening me more for asexual reasons), when he was my least favourite before!!!!!

Regarding the action, I enjoyed the contrast between the threats in act 1 and the same ones in this part. While they participated in paiting the world the characters fell in in Arc 1, and were tools to let us explore the depths and dangers of Our Wonderland, they hold here so much more narrative weight! The building-up made throughout the whole game is nothing short of brilliant, Carrot, and it was intense!! I also really enjoyed the whole dyanmic between Jerry, the characters, their connection (even to childhood memories), and the whole "let's make a big plan to reach out to Orlam", it really set an interesting vibe which contrasted so much to what we got after, in the most perfectly crafted way.

Carrot, I really don't know how to conclude my reviews anymore. This is nothing short of a masterpiece, but I guess I already said that in the past... This game is intense, this game is beautiful, this game is everything a person, a soul, an artist, a writer, a human, heck! a carrot could put into a game. This is grandiose, and thinking of the time it must have taken you, of the care you put into this, of the love, the insecurities, the vulnerability you accepted to share with us... I just want to thank you for making me experience all this (I'm crying again writing us, because I'm genuinely moved)... All this feels somehow so personal and yet so intense? More than an inspiration to all game devs, as I explained before, you're just this kind of people, or souls, or hearts, or whatever we look for afar, so close and so far, that we immediately identify with and which has so much to tell; and yet, yet, it's almost as if we couldn't dare to brush you, because what you are giving us is already so intense, so strong and so generous? I'm sorry this review is less analytical than usual and more on the emotional side but I guess that's what you get for turning me into a crying mess (and I wouldn't have it any other way)!

(3 edits) (+1)

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LOL, our thoughts are so similar: the compliment part and the zombie part are absolutely identical. I mean how he stands from the chair really does seem like a zombie. I would never imagine what cause this movement can happen here, and also every one can be a doctor in the Wonderland 😂


SOBBING I NEEDED TO LIKE. COLLECT MYSELF. AND GIVE MYSELF TIME TO REALLY APPROACH THIS BEFORE MY REPLY lkjdfalkdf You're literally making me sob over here GODDDDDD. Unsure I've ever gotten quite a response like this before and it's making me melt a tad (tho the fierce heat of today isn't helping much ldkajfdl).

I'M SORRY FOR MAKING YOU CRY. I also cried a few times. Especially while working on the final cutscene. Even just imagining it / planning it in my head together with the song before and while working on it would make me tear up dlkajfsd It was just a Big Emotional Moment for me with the game and chars and I wanted to try and get that across and make it have impact (which is why I "had" to make it a cutscene to begin with LOL).

Ahhhh I'm glad you liked the music in this part!! THE RABBIT HOLE SONG. I also liked that one a lot. It and a few others (like the preparing for battle one) gave me so many FFXII vibes and since that's basically my fav game and soundtrack ever I couldn't resist LKDJASLDK Picking out music for me is both fun but also slightly nerve-racking as I always worry about whether I'm going to be able to find the perfect track for the vibe / scene in my head. Some of the tracks for this part I already had chosen long ago (for instance, I think I've had the castle chase song chosen as something I knew I wanted to use in Arc 5 since... over a year ago, maybe even longer lakdjfs) but others I chose during production by my usual method of listening to 50 million songs from composers I already knew I liked or by using vibe filters LFAKSJDFA This part also had a lot of "image song" style music with the actual songs rather than BGMs, so I was hoping it would go over well with people and feel somewhat impactful as a result.

"I loved how there was a lot of French expressions, some I didn't even know were used in English" --> DLKASJDF I PROBABLY DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE MOST OF THOSE IN QUESTION WERE FRENCH. I didn't know bric-a-brac LMAO That's one of those words that got ingrained in my head as a child from watching Nightmare Before Christmas on repeat I think hahaha. Thank you so much tho for all the kind words about the writing ahhhHHHHH. I feel like no one ever really says anything about the writing when it comes to VNs (which I do get, like, it's only one part of the experience, and you're not likely to even notice anything about it over the story and chars and art and literally everything else), so I guess hearing that specifically somehow makes me even more wibbly and gooey jlkdfajds 💦 I've always felt I have a bit of a weird writing style in general so I'm never quite sure how people, like, react to it while reading HAHA. Particularly some of the odd turns of phrase or word choices (or how I apparently repeat things about chewing on the inside of cheeks or uncomfortable bowels again and again and again without my noticing LMAO). At any rate, that really means a lot. I'm really happy you enjoy the style and dialogue, etc.


"(although Orlam is bi if I remember correctly)" --> Yeah he is, though at this point in time, neither one of them had all the answers about themselves and were just really confused mostly but did kind of both know they were similar in a way (and Genzou knew at least that Orlam liked him). In my mind, it was a combination of Genzou's own confusion about himself, his fear about people judging him like he saw them judging Orlam, and also the sheer fact that Orlam was just so wimpy and scrawny as a kid (something that Genzou never wanted to be seen as) that all contributed to Genzou's actions as a kid (along with the sheer fact that he kind of just was a mouthy brat to begin with and couldn't [and still can't] control his words or temper).

"When Genzou could have just insulted him as he's used to????" --> LDFKAJSDLFKAD I'M GLAD YOU POINTED THIS OUT. I wanted it to be like this juxtaposition where he finally actually is able to keep his mouth shut, which is so beyond what Orlam could have expected or imagined at this point and it just broke him. 

"I have a headache so I hope I make sense" --> OH GOD ARE YOU OK???????? 😭💦

I'm really glad you like how the scene turned out tho......... this was a scene that I had semi-pictured in my mind even way back like over a year ago, that I knew I was working towards, but hadn't actually worked out most of the details. And it wasn't until I was actively working on this part that it started to form further, and then when I was actually writing it it finally all came together. Like so many of  my scenes I tend to go in semi-blind with just a single mental image as a guide and hope that while I'm writing it all falls into place LKDJFALKSDF

"The answer is of course "no", but they are a starting point, it's finally accepting to adress the problem, to acknowledge its existence and to tiptoe your way to healing. It was addressed very well, and that's why the final scene with Orlam felt so emotional!" --> GUH YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CRY ALL OVER AGAIN. I'm happy this came through well......... after everything these characters have been through, I didn't want to rush to "omg everything's better" when clearly it wouldn't be LMAO but I did want to start planting seeds of hope and forgiveness that could allow for a path forward for them. They've all hurt each other so many times at this point. But at least now they're finally meeting it head-on rather than ignoring it like usual...

"This game is intense, this game is beautiful, this game is everything a person, a soul, an artist, a writer, a human, heck! a carrot could put into a game. " --> THIS IS SO BEAEUTIFUL AND SWEET I'M WEEPING HELPPPPPPPPPPP. I don't even know what to say... except that I'm so glad that it could be something so meaningful and that my story and chars could speak in such a way. And also thank you??? Not only for the beautiful and kind words but also for playing and for all your wonderful support and encouragement and motivation. It truly means a lot 💕

I can't even begin to thank you enough honestly for this review. I feel so touched and honored and emotional and can't stop reading back through parts of it. Thank you so much for taking the time to write out all your thoughts and emotions. GUHHHHHHHH I'M JUST A WIBBLING WEEPY MESS NOW FROM WRITING OUT THIS RESPONSE. Reading this honestly has made my entire night/day/weekend LDKAJFLDKAFD Going to go cry a thousand tears now... 😭💦💕