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(4 edits)

What a master piece!!!❤️❤️❤️I absolutely adore the art, music, and characters<333 Putting my own affection aside, I really do shed my tears when the climax comes.

***Spoiler Alert ⬇️***

Just something is not really adding up to me. I'm still quite confused with Genzou's behaviors. Why would Genzou fall in love with Iggy (maybe I forget, but seriously idk anything now)? He clearly had some precious moments in the past with Orlam, and they even danced secretly in high shool. Now he confessed that he never hated Orlam. Then, why wouldn't he fell in love with Orlam instead of Iggy??? 

Since the player is seeing the perspective from Iggy, I remembered the awkward kiss between Iggy and Genzou in Arc 2. If Genzou indeed loves Iggy, and Iggy has to do it because of the plot, I'm fine with that. However, if Genzou, in fact, loves Orlam and just uses Iggy as a cover, and then he takes (probably) Iggy's first kiss, I'm not really okay with it. There is a feeling of betrayal, especially when I wish Orlam and Iggy can have a chance to end up together. Now, I'm so perplexed whether Genzou loves Iggy or Orlam. I mean if Genzou loves Orlam, and they want to be together in the end, then I guess I can only wish them the best, if that'll make Orlam happy, tho I still can't quite accept the fact that Genzou bullied Orlam in the past.💔

LOL, seriously right before Genzou's confession, when Orlam asks Iggy what Iggy hates about him, I really hope Iggy can answer that "I hate that you've loved Genzou who has not been good to you for so long. I hate that you won't lay your eyes on me, and consider me as a better option than Genzou, even at the very moment." Except, Iggy will never say something like that. Just my tiny imagination for my ship. How I wish Iggy can be stronger, struggle to be free from the rabbit, and hug Orlam so hard that he wishes to have his heart back to experience the happiness in this very moment. Then, Genzou does everything I want Iggy to do... For the fans who ship Orlam x Iggy, the future seems dark and misty. Genzou x Orlam and Genzou x Iggy have a much better chance to happen. TAT 

I still can't believe that they are around their 30s and are now trying to reconcile their childhood drama LMAO.

(1 edit)

AhhhhhhhHHHHHH THANK YOU???? That's very sweet and I'm really happy you enjoyed this part!! I really wanted it to have a lot of impact and be satisfying to everyone aldkjfasd especially as it was a Big Moment for me with the story and chars and one I'd been working towards for a while LOL So thank you very much!! 😭💕








Re: your thoughts: ahhhhhhhh........... I generally try to keep from like, fully explaining everything, saying yes or no about interpretations, head canons, etc., as I do want a lot of this to be left up to interpretation and/or how people relate to it themselves. But regarding this I will at least say that it was never my intention for Genzou to come across as seeming like he was originally in love with Orlam 💦 Quite the opposite, he's regretful because he didn't love him yet he still led Orlam on and allowed Orlam to get close to him because he was feeling so depressed (because Iggy started avoiding him after the accident, because he was doing so horribly in school, because of his family life, etc.). I think in particular a few of the scenes in the night chat scene he has with Iggy hint at this (about him letting Orlam get too close, etc.).

So it's all just quite convoluted LOL with Genzou liking Iggy, Iggy being oblivious (and then avoiding Genzou for a while because he was scared after what happened during the sleepover), Orlam liking Genzou, Genzou allowing Orlam to get close so he doesn't have to feel so alone, Genzou failing to confess to Iggy and assuming Iggy and Gidget will get together and returning to Orlam only to then have extreme regret about it and falling back into depression when everyone heads off to college and leaves him alone again.... essentially... LMAO That was at least the jist of my intentions while writing everything hahaha. Though people are ofc free to interpret things as they wish.

Hahaha don't worry tho -- there is still the final choice you'll get in the finale where you'll be able to choose who you want Iggy to end up with (or no one). This will depend on the choices and such you've made throughout the game lakdjfad but Orlam is an "LI" for a reason and a ship that I also very much like and really enjoy their dynamic. It's just that for this series of story arcs to come to their conclusion, Iggy wasn't involved as much LOL Similar to how Iggy wasn't really involved that much in bringing Gidget's arc to their conclusion since so much of it was actually within Gidget themself. But Iggy and Orlam can certainly still end up together if you want them to 🤭💕

"I still can't believe that they are around their 30s and are now trying to reconcile their childhood drama LMAO." --> HAHAHAHAHAHAHA so real and true tbh.

At any rate, thank you again for playing!! And for writing up all your thoughts!! I'm glad that you enjoyed this part, and I hope you'll like the finale once it's finished! 🥰