Will throw a couple bug reports here, may or may not be related to me using a save from the previous version, and others seem to happen even on new saves.
1) Entering consoles and computer immediately after running up to them sometimes locks the player camera in an obtuse direction, obscuring their view of the console/computer UI. Exiting and re-entering fixes this. Happens on old and new saves.
2) Player will sometimes drift in the direction they held directional keys upon exiting vehicle. On some occasions, the vehicle couldn't be moved at all, but the player would be locked into forward/backward motion after exiting. Opening and closing inventory stops this.
3) "Vehicle reset" will sometimes reset Maxwell. I do not know if this is intended or not, as sometimes Maxwell will disappear and I need to hunt for him again, and other times he stays right where I placed him before resetting the vehicle.
4) Maybe spoiler related?
-Objects in your inventory as you are sleeping may vanish when you wake up elsewhere from where you slept. Doesn't happen after dreams, only during this event. Happens on old and new saves.
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"Virus" signal having unintended effects. Only after loading from save did the game register that I cannot track without repairing the servers first. Happened only on 0.6.0 save, but thought it was worth mentioning.
6) Omega spoilers:
Rozital ship event not executing properly. First sequence will trigger, but nothing else happens afterwards. As far as what I can tell, the event seems bugged due to my save version or some variable unknown to me.
7) Unintended or poorly timed reactions from scientists after sending particular signals out. Story advancing signals, such as the emergency message stating everyone is dead, received typical email responses. However, benign level 2 and 3 signals from dwarf planets and gas giants would receive concerning responses from the scientists.
8) The "Pyramid" might clip through the ceiling of the base. The event has only occurred once for me so it may just be a freak incident, but thought it was worth mentioning.