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(1 edit)

Tiny Bug: You are engulfed in meat if you get the slave-worker ending. I think thats not supposed to happen.

Edit: Also, I found the secret entrance after in that ending its said its at the north east. I think it kinda breaks the game because they just act like you are one of them. And then if you leave and enter through the cellar you suddenly have to act against a guard and can't go up the stairs anymore.

Did you have the slaver's tattoo while doing this?

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Do you think you could send me your save file to investigate this? I'll investigate the slave hideout as well.

Sure, where do you want me to send it 2 you?

Hey, on discord is fine, or any filesharing website? Maybe since I don't think you have to register for it?

(1 edit)

You do... Anyway: my discord: ****. I will delete this after you read it

Okay, friend request sent!
