Absolutely amazing game! I love the mix of horror and farming, and coincidentally the skinwalker looks like one of my Splatterpunk characters. I have a few suggestions, that could maybe make the game bigger, but of course, you decide and take your time.
You could add a few small animals, like hares and birds landing on the crops (that you can of course find dead), other farms like maps you can play after completing the first farm, another entity like el chupacabra for example, and multiplayer would all be great additions! Sadly, my computer sucks so I can't play the game without ruthless lagging, so I have to watch my very easily scared friends' play. I hope I can get to play it for myself soon!
Now that I think about it, there's a lot that could be added in this game - a forest to pick mushrooms (and maybe fore entities, like a bigger chance of seeing skinwalkers or something like faeries, or mushrooms faking being a mushroom and actually being a hostile entity), a barn to keep animals (and that could be where you add chupacabras feeding off of the goats, for example) and maybe even water entities. And maybe changing the skinwalkers acting, so it'll mimic other animals, both by the eye and ear? It could mimic a hare, and the pizzicato violins would play when you got closer to that hare to warn you. Amazing game as it is, and it'll be even more exciting the longer I play it, that I can determine!