This is a neat game: "Prioritise" made me think quite a bit, and I get the impression that the solution to that one is probably the key to beating later levels but I'm finding the lack of checkpoints or a reset button (and the fairly long delay between dropping out of the level and actually restarting) make it a little frustrating to keep experimenting with those. The most user-friendly option might be some way of rewinding time or undoing jumps, but that seems like a big ask. It's the kind of thing I'm quite willing to overlook in a jam game, even if I don't necessarily want to wrestle with it myself: the game as a whole is solid and I'm impressed by basically any platformer puzzle that gives me that sort of "Eureka!" moment after initially giving up. The only other thing I feel would improve this beyond tweaks to the overall try/fail/restart process would be sound: the graphics look great and it's immediately obvious what everything is (and reasonably easy to guess what it does).