It's a good Castlevania-like game with 3d graphics. You nailed most of the gameplay mechanics of metroidvania almost perfectly i think. Gaining new abilities as you progress through the game, branching level design, bosses etc. The flaws of the game as i observed were:
-Lighting doesn't look very good. It's too bright on some parts, too dark on some. The main character radiates light for some reason. I didn't like it very much.
-When you jump, you move too much forward. It causes you to fall of the ledges sometimes. That's a little frustrating
-Music is too loud and sound is crackling sometimes
-Level design may need some work. In one place a building obstruct the camera view
-There'a bug on the demon boss fight which freezes the game. It happens when you're hit with a falling fireball
These are my thoughts on your game. I think it's a pretty decent game for a gamejam despite it's flaws. I think you did a good job and wish you luck on your future works