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i am so sorry that you got a transphobic reply and i am here to remind you that those idiots are filled with hate, for people they dont even know. dont listen to "nathaniel higgleton". they dont deserve your recognition of their existence. you are amazing and i hope you have a great day <3 


just cleaning it up now, lmao what a bitch making an account to spam all those comments.

i love that "[cis] men are utterly repulsed by you" cos it's like *sweetie*, that's the idea lol. 


i want cis men to be repulsed by me -a transfem aroace lesbian.

i was ending pretty much every reply to them with "<3" just cause why not.

at this point, we are pretty transphobia-resilient, even i am, and i havent dealt with that many transphobes despite how much o join in on political debates and only knowing im transfem for a few months