Hi! I’ve never seen this issue before. Can you post a screenshot of the error? What are your language settings in Windows?
Also, are you getting the same error with other games that I’ve ported? (Bugdom, Nanosaur, etc.)
Hi Iliyas!
The specific window says "No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the targer multi-byte code page."
I was able to run Nanosaur and Ottomatic without issue.
Thank you so much!
Oh and my language settings are English (USA)
Please try this special build which contains extra debugging info:
If it still fails to open, please attach a screenshot of the debug window. Thanks!
Hi and thank you so much for your time once again,
When I click on the .exe file, this is what opens. I tried to find further debug information but this is all I was able to come up with. Is there anything else I need to do?
I also found a similar issue with Bugdom upon opening the application. I am guessing it's the same issue for Windows 10 machines...
Strangely, Nanosaur and Otto Matic run just fine
Please try this one: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hjq2gcxc0djod0da7qh0l/CroMagRally-verbose-2023-09-17.zip?rlkey=sctr79cvyw8qbl60xk0812v53&dl=1