I played it a few times. I appreciate the aesthetic of the game. Here's some more detailed feedback:
Design [1/5]: I think the strongest aspect of the game is the simplicity of it. The goal is easy to understand, the graphics are calm and easy to interpret, and your avatar moves around as you'd expect. Having said that, this game wasn't a very engaging experience for me. I appreciate that the platform moves around on the screen. It provides some variety to the experience, but I don't think it's enough to make dodging large blocks interesting for longer than about fifteen seconds. Additionally, sometimes the moving platform moves way too close to the top of the screen, which can sometimes be really unfair and get you killed. I also felt like the character movement was a little unfocused. I never felt like jumping was a good option, and it almost always gets me killed, so I don't know why it was included. One major annoyance I came across was the way the platform jerks around whenever one of the blocks hits it. I'm guessing this was supposed to be something akin to screenshake, which is generally a fun inclusion for games. However, in a game like this where precision is required, it just wound up being distracting. Having said all of that, my biggest criticism of the design is that it just wasn't very engaging for me. I couldn't find dodging falling blocks from the sky interesting for longer than a few seconds.
Adherence to the Theme [5/5]: The game uses only one screen and takes place on a single platform. It would have been only one color as well if the player avatar didn't flash red when you die!
Originality [1/5]: I don't think the use of the theme brought anything new to the table. There are lots of endless survival games out there, and I don't think this one brings enough new stuff to the table to really stand out.
I encourage you to keep working on games! I'm sure the next one you make will be even stronger. Keep practicing your skills!