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I've been trying so hard! I want to try and get the guy to confess about stealing some of his neighbors acres. I did it once and now I can't do it again... Do I have to do a certain thing to be able to do that? Or was it like removed. To put it easier, I can no longer see "The letter seems off." (I think that's what it said.) option when I'm trying to fix the problem between the two men. But also the game is amazing, I showed it to my friend and she fell in love with it!


hey! I’ll take a look at the coding this weekend. The option is still there! I did change how attributes work so I might have just messed up the variables. You do have to do something particular to get that choice. Let me check and I’ll come back and tell you what has to be done :)  I think you have to have either the deception or suspicious attribute but I might have messed up that on the backend so I’ll check! 

And thank you so much for playing and for showing your friend! That means a lot to me <3

(1 edit)

Of course! My friend is obsessed now, every time we meet she squeals just thinking about it. (I do too, of course.) And I think I did get the suspicious attribute or was it deception? I just don't remember how or which one. Thanks for helping! (And for making the game.)

I had deception attribute and was able to tell the note of sale was forged.