I knew this update wad gonna awesome, I loved the interaction between Iggy and jerry! My heart died when he protected Iggy and got hurt. (Pls let jerry be alive and survive somehow) Anyway, the way you make characters interact with each other makes it seem so real(i strive to write character interactions like that). This is one of the best visual novels i ever played.
The characters. Iggy. He scared, scared of a lot of things people down say out loud in the real world. He makes me... mad? I wouldn't say that's the right work but I'd say its close. because at time I'd be like, "Iggy! Get up! Fight!" Then I'd remember 'oh he's weak', in comparison to Gidget, I feel like their more active and stronger. Speaking of Gidget I love them. The way they changed after they accepted their wrongs even though they didn't forgive themselves of it. Genzou, I love him. He's done things he's not proud of. He didn't say anything to what he hated about Orlam when I honestly thought he was going to. But he didn't, he even lost a finger. It shows that he can shut up sometimes. Even if it hurts him. I teared up a little when he said he didn't hate him. Orlam, I can't say much about him, but i like him more now. I didn't like him at first because well, he's weird and creepy. But, he spoke the truth. About everyone when didn't want to hear it. And I wish I could do that to sometimes (even if it hurt me). Orlam removed his heart so he couldn't feel the pain. Which lots of people want to do, but that doesn't work. Even though he removed his heart, when Genzou didn't respond (the one he liked the most) he felt something. He began to panic when Genzou came closer to him.
man these characters are deep
This story is so well written!
But what got me the most is when they didn't hold Iggy over a pedestal. Instead they forgave him. Like he forgave them.
Anyway I love this game, and I can't wait to see Bucks, and I can't wait to see more from you!