Really enjoy the game and your progress on it but i hope for future updates you fully impliment features and quests all at once instead of adding short parts of multiple quests as theres a lot of quests that clearly arent done and imo, should have been waited on until almost fully done to be inplimented as theres a lot of things and areas that are empty or serve zero purpose and i feel it'd be better to give a full quest at once than give it in small chunks. Amazing work so far though and can't wait to see more!
There's absolutely no rush its just i think having more "focused" updates where like one major mechanic, quest, ability, or area is added as oppsed to a bunch of smaller things that generally feel less complete so to say. That's not really the best way to say it, but essentially just like it feels better to get one full quest after a 3 momth wait than small parts of 3 quests after 2 months. But once again, no rush at all as the work you're doing is incredible and the game is actually pretty enjoyable so far and I can't wait to see how it continues