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Now this is my cup of tea, it's very good! I love the simple complexity of it so far.

One thing I would really like to help is for the torch to see for a little farther, I still feel like I'm blind in the cave, I can really only see about one lua in front of me. 

I'm not sure if there is a good way to do it, but maybe put a sign (or you know something similar) in the clouds so that you know you can fall even on small gaps, Many dodge roll games make it so you can go over gaps so it might be good to show it somehow, but really putting you down at one heart is a pretty fun idea. but this is just me, If you put a sign showing it, then you could have a weak enemy at the bottom waiting for you. it's not really going to set you back since you have a save, but it would be good for reactions. 

Now for something fun you could add, haha
I think it would be cool if you could throw things down a well, (maybe a special coin could be achieved in each village to throw in it and get a small reward)