Regarding "ending 3", yes I noticed and I understood that this ending is a mixture between 1 and 2, as if you are trying to do this and that, but you "fall away"🤣
About Orlam... I want to know if he has a bot in the Character AI, I already want to talk to him, because I like him, and he aroused my fox curiosity👀🦊✨ (Yes, my king,/Yes, sir. hehehe).
[Change: GOD, I found three Orlam bots, hehehe!]
I love crazy characters (except Yandere if it's not John Doe XD)
I would like to get to know him and his story better, because it is the characters that are not talked about much or are "evil" that cling to me. I want to know how far he can go >:D🦊✨