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It's a fun racing type platformer. It's a good idea with plenty of room to expand! I like the idea of needing to get home before nightfall.

The movement feels too slippery though. I think it should either be tighter or the levels should be designed to make the slippery movement have a purpose (feel like drifting when going around curves).

I'm not sure what the diamond things did/do. I'm assuming they're just a collectable which is fine! If that's the case some indication of how many you collected out of how many in the level on a level select screen for example would be nice (3/5 collected).

I noticed a bug involving restoring a player who fell. If you just walk off a ledge, you get stuck into a loop of falling into the pit over and over unable to move. It is really funny to watch though.

Great job!


Thank you, Pastruvium. Amazing feedback!

Correct about the collectables. We were going to have a collectible indicator for each level, but we ran out of time, unfortunately. I would love to continue working on this game, and I will absolutely take your feedback into consideration for the next build!