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Neat little platformer. The art and music are both really good! The sound balance is really off though. The music is too quiet and the sounds are too loud.

The gameplay itself has a solid foundation but needs a lot of polish. The player tends to stick to things and bounce on the floor when landing. The bounce looks cool but it affects the jumping a bit so contributes negatively to how it feels to play. (I wonder how much of these issues involve the player material?) 

The bouncy clouds too are a bit rough as it tends to bounce you just short of where you want to go. The moving platforms also restrict movement. I've run into this issue in the past. I think you've implemented the moving platforms to add a velocity to the player if I'm remembering correctly? The player while on these platforms cannot move left or right and can only jump to continue to move.

I would have loved to see more done with the switch between the realms. Maybe some way to interact between them, or activating secrets when the auto-switch happens (like pull a level that opens in the next switch). These are just ideas for a possible expansion of course.

Great job overall, just suffers in the polish department which is understandable with the time constraints.


Thank you so much for your in-depth comment! You are totally right, we did struggle to polish or fully develop a lot of things, due to some time and team management issues. It was a good learning experience tho, and that's all I can ask for, at least :) 


Jams are for learning and trying new things after all! That and ruining sleep schedules haha


As my collegue already said, thanks a lot for your feedback! I was mainly responsible for the platforms etc. and I knew they weren't perfect but in the end there wasn't much time. As to answer your question, it didn't have anything to do with the player material but the physics material attached to the platforms. Also the player couln't move because I made it the child of the moving platform -> so it's position updated with platform. Maybe not the best method:)

(1 edit)

I mean hey, at least it works well enough to complete!

I think that is the right method; at least it's certainly better than what I did in the past! After a brief look around on tutorials, it seems that setting the player's parent to null when moving horizontally (on the player logic script) might fix this issue (with an added "OnCollisionStay" to reset the player's parent to the platform on the platform's script). Hope this helps, I know it helped me for future projects!