Attack from a Wrapper seems to have caused an unrecoverable freeze.
The screenshot function failed, but from what I can reconstruct, my loadout was something like this:
Kukri Knife Mummy wrappings(Eyes) Collar Amulet of Freedom(I couldn't find anything better) Bikini top Leather Bottom Mummy Wrappings(Legs and feet)
I also get random red errors from Wisps, but those aren't fatal. Turns out sleeping bags are very common. Unfortunately this level did not have one, so I couldn't test restraining sleeping bag, but it seems to be so that wearing shoes is now a bad idea in general, since they are all way too noisy unless you have catsuit+muffle amulet and you can simply recover lost health using the sleeping bags. Footwraps are still OK, but they only last 1-3 floors.