I'll be honest this game does have interesting ideas and it even uses minigames from Bishi Bashi of all games but honestly?
Graphics wise the game has quite the charm. It looks like something you would find in a children's coloring book but the cast is kind of disappointing. Though one positive I can give the cast is that modding them is possible. So if you want to have characters from different series you can definitely stand out. (Assuming you know what you are doing)
Presentation wise it is really clean and the boards from other games is a pretty cool idea even if some of the boards do suck. (Luigi's engine room is a great offender in my opinion)
The sound department does contain music and sound effects from other games but it tends to glitch out. However it does let you adjust the SFX and music manually so if you want to quiet down the music but keep the SFX the same volume you can do just that.
Gameplay wise the game lets you adjust plenty of things before the game starts way more than any normal Mario Party game but one thing I would have liked to see is the option to have 2nd and 3rd place still recive a small amount of coins. That was a pity feature of Mario Party that still made it feel like you have a chance and it would have benefited with the game's bad AI. The AI is sometimes utter garbage and sometimes it is just brutal. I had a situation in the cherry minigame during a 2v2 where both my teammate and the other team were utter garbage and would not throw the cherry far enough towards me making it the most annoying moment I had to put up with and most of the time the AI were just out for me and would not stop until I was dead. And keep in mind I was playing with the AI set to normal. Not to mention if you play on teams on the board there is literally nothing stopping your partner from screwing you over. Having a option to turn off friendly fire would have ben appreciated because my partner kept being a massive jerk to me even though we were both on the same side.
The board can easily drive anyone up the wall and I know some people love that but I personally hate it. And before people yell at me saying "It'S a MaRiO pArTy ThInG bEcAuSe It'S a BoArD gAmE!" It's not just the dice blocks! The computer players can just screw you over at the worst possible moments! Even if you set the Luck based minigames off the game will just throw RNG right into your face with the AI!
The minigames are easily the best part of the game but sadly you can only play tournament mode with the minigames which I find stupid. The one part of the game that I like has little to no replay value? That's just ridiculous.
So in all honesty it may be better than the Mario Party series as a whole but when the Mario Party series is so bad it isn't worth playing unless you wanna kill friendships it is not saying much. Honestly? I find the game bad.
It's not a awful game don't get me wrong it does have it's good elements like large amount of customization for the board, fun mini-games and clever ideas for the settings but it suffers HEAVILY from the main mode still being a chore to play, the AI being coded very poorly especially in the team modes, little to no minigame replay value and a mediocre roster.