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Really liked this but i found some issues (or things that can or could have been changed) 

1) The character animation only goes up and down it should go to sides too 

2) the game started in a small window but that's propably just me

3) There are sometimes visible gaps between water tiles

4) fishes just float randomly out of the water 

5) harpoon goes through ground

6) if you swim diagonally you swim faster

7) you cannot see how many times you have upgraded your bottles or swimsuit

8) you will drown even though you still have little oxygen left on the bar

9) you can still use harpoon and swim on death menu 

10) quit button ingame does nothing

yes we know the screen are not in full screen that because we publish the game at the last second xd and we dont get the time to put in full screen sry for that and yeah so many bug time issue

Thanks a lot, yeah I think we've seen a bit too big, I'm correcting the game  ^^'


it's really fun to play it though