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Time is going really fast, everything is heavy and my life continues to be a roller coaster.

I've make new illustrations for Sera and Dess presentations.

I have lost fear to the visual-novel scene creation, I figure out tiny and simple tricks, and also now I manage to put the first segment of Assassin's Resolution in the game. Now comes the scene... Scening? I have to draw a lot of ilustrations, maps, maps tiny edits and put them in scenes with music and sound effects to create nothing more nothing less that the game itself. Just today the first scene of the game has been completed by the updated illustrations of Sera and Dess.

I dropped the plugin NovelStyle. Is a free work and I have used it for free, thanks for the author for their job, but, has some bugs, flaws and inconsistencies. I humble think that is better to put save points per scene in the whole game. Every time a scene finishes, the save menu comes out. Can appear in the middle of a scene if the thing is long.

These would be the most important things I manage to do in these days... I'm not in the good status I wish i have, but as I say, a step every day. I feel like my whole world is on a pendulum, my two beloved colleagues and works of fiction are what have kept my mind ok, because I manage to get things outside of that sad and pathetic, worse than before. When i was a kid, these aren't the feelings I want to have when developing a clave part of a videogame, but thats how adult things are.

For improve the image I have in myself, I was thinking in saying goodbye to Stay Night Archer and puts as my icon a draw of a simple cat with dumb eyes. Something like Kinoko Nasu's mushroom man, or Fujimoto's heart, or Oda's fish-head man. Its a popular thing so it wouldn't be bad, right? I'll try later.

That's all for now.

* That dot that I put in bold and italic is a bug. If I deleted it, the Sera png is deleted and I get to the top of the page. forums posts has various bugs, but this is the most weird one.

I believe this is called story boarding.

Also, bragging about weird bugs,   the typeface used on itch does not render backspaces correctly on my system. And I have no clue as to why.  This leadstotextlookinglike this. There are non breakable spaces or whatever they are called. If I manually override the font, it looks correct. Or if I look at it on my phone. Those spaces are not used regularly much, but they appear when copy/pasting a lot, in the editor boxes in comments and game descriptions.


Looks like the forum posts section of Itch needs a bit of polish