This is a neat idea. It adhears to the theme in a really interesting way - only allowing players to have one battleship on the grid. I used the web version, which I had to download and run on my own HTTP server, and I had some glitches with text appearing off-screen as well as the music sometimes causing my speakers to crackle. From a gameplay perspective, I think it might have been interesting to be able to play against another player - as the computer always guesses randomly, all my games just ended with me drawing diagonal lines until I found the AI's battleship, then just picking squares around that hit, and it was rather easy to defeat.
P.S. With the web version, you may want to reupload it as a .zip file rather than a .7z file as only supports .zip files for web games.
TL;DR: An interesting concept but there are a few bugs and the AI is very easy to defeat