Interesting idea here, I like that the goal is to go a deep as you can, but you can't go down multiple platforms or else you'll break. The controls feel a little finicky; the yolk flare doesn't feel super helpful as I noticed it tends to light up a very small area around it, and the ambient light tended to be more helpful for me over the yolk flare. I also kept trying to move left and right in midair and that didn't really work, though that makes more sense as I think the idea is that you have to commit to your jump/movement when not grounded. Just felt a bit awkward to control, at least for me.
The art is solid! I like the egg character, it reminds me a lot of the art style of Edmund McMillan (the Super Meat Boy guy), and the atmosphere is pretty great; same goes for the sound/music. Really great work on this submission!