Elevator control postmortem:
We agree that the elevator controls turned out to be a bit messy. That was the first thing we implemented and when we actually got around to do our play testing after hours of work on the game we were too much used to it so we didn't see the problems until very late. At least we were able to polish it to be playable in time.
Main problem with the controls is that most users instinctively try to land on a floor "flappy bird" style (slowing down manually by managing click frequency) but currently the game requires the button to be held down in order to land on the floor.
If we had the time we could make controls differently. Hold down control is the biggest problem here I think. We could have made it so that if the elevator is very slow and it is very close to a floor it sticks automatically. Then elevator could leave the floor by clicking again. (single click goes down, multiple click goes up and there is a cooldown to land again on the same floor)
We really would really like to hear it if you gave your own solutions on how to make the elevator controls feel natural.