Hi, just wanted to mention that when you go into that replay room Cassie and Brandy's names don't actually show up when you approach them. It's not really an issue, but I hadn't played your game in a while and I saw the update about Brenda and couldn't remember who she was. I didn't remember the other characters' names as well so I had to play their scenes (Brandy and Cassie) to find out their names. Also is there a way to exit a scene partway through a replay like that?
P.S. Mom's name also doesn't show up but her replays have Mom in them so that's easy to tell
Oh, I see thank you. Also wanted to mention a potential solution to the issue I mentioned before: that I sometimes miss things and there is no back button so I have to replay everything from a save point. Have you considered doing what the game "what a legend" does and having a history log that's basically just a text log of what's happened so far?
Anyway awesome game as always.