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(1 edit)

The lesbian devotion is seemingly a random daily event that occurs between the two slave slots. Michelle as an example has a higher lesbian devotion stat, and she interacts with other girls randomly. It adds virtually nothing, pics, or sexual activities. No other content.

Where can I find, virgin, sex slaves outside of Lovisa, for the Dockgrave tavern quest XI. I haven't used any bought slaves, just captured slaves to complete these quests. Save and load enough times, gets you the stats, which you then need to train. Annoyingly half of those captures had WIP questlines. They had no pictures, outside clothed and naked. Although one or two did have certain unfinished sex pictures, most were just blanks. Seriously. Annoyingly the captures are all called different names then the names on the process screen.

This game has great ideas but struggles on its quests, its activities, and its content. I have bugged a quest, outside of many that are WIP and unfinished. Golden papers. I am extorting for 15 a day.  The quest hasn't completed. I didn't sell the journal prior to extortion.  Apart from this there isn't enough content. Clothing options for whores.  Every female mercenary is. I was hoping to corrupt higher to get states of undress outside of armor. No. All of them whoring, and Michelle's friend. Missing indvidualized prostitution pictures, like Piper. Pictures that change with their nightly events. 

The latest version the magnifying glass isn't working unlike the previous Game version.  The Zoom in option.

Money is very slow at start, and then you're rolling in it. There is so much stuff, options, but so little too actually do. Very repetitive game with very little reward in terms of who knows, WIP? Yes the content keeps releasing, drips. But it needs to get bigger and darker.

Battles, rivals, factions that steal and pillage and enslave Activities you need to do. With more activites happening constantly. More options in how you tailor, how it impacts pictures, and dialogue. Sort it out.