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(6 edits)

Bug fixes, 2nd Enemy, Cut-scenes


Been refactoring the battle system to increase work efficiency.
Also fixed a bunch of bugs that I found along the way.
These bugs just won't stop popping up 😑

Revised shock-wave effect

Revised shock-wave effect, I think it's much better than before.
Boy was it a tricky job getting the shock wave effect work with parallax backgrounds.
I think this took longer than it should've.

Enemy - Number 2

Most importantly, created my 2nd Enemy, which is Number2!
Creating enemy animations just melts time, but still very exciting at the same time

A whole lot more enemies to finish,
hopefully the refactored battle system saves some time for me.

Mini cut-scene through dialogue

Created a mini cut-scene through dialogue as well.
Initially I had no idea how to implement this, 
so I took note of how RPG Maker Engine creates a cut-scene.
Big thanks to Game Dev Experiments 's informative tutorials as well.

I'm not too confident in the cut-scene system structure, but I guess it works!
Just super happy that it even works

Next up is creating more enemies, and more cut-scenes.
I am grinding my teeth to progress out from the game's first town.

Also thinking of adding a deflecting system when parrying enemy's projectile attacks.
While playing the game, I kinda felt hopeless when it was doing projectile attacks, since I cannot counter attack it.

Hope to gain more speed in my development.