Hey, great idea and really awesome of you. I see a ton of responses already so I understand if you don't get to my teams game but I'll post a link and some info anyway:
Our game is called Souper Cosmobot! It's about a robot astronaut who is on a journey through the 'cosmic soup', exploring the progress of human civilization along the way. It's a 3D platformer with some interesting mechanics like being able to pole vault using chopsticks and grapple and swing around the level. The goal of the game, at least for the sake of the jam, is to collect a minimum of 5 golden spoons before jumping into the next cosmic soup wormhole. Silver spoons also exist to reduce your time, as we sort of envisioned the possibility of replaying to beat your best time once you get the hang of the mechanics and learn the locations of the golden spoons.
Our team is an interesting mix of people because most of us met through this jam but a few of us have worked together on projects before. But as development was progressing through the jam we came up with a lot of ideas for something grander that we'd like to explore post-jam, especially if the game is well received. There's definitely a bit of a lack of published 3D platformers on the PC so developing one in that space is really attractive to us. We're still in the talks of where we want to go from here beyond just polishing up some of the things we've already received feedback on. Quite a few of us on the team are actively looking to get a job within the game industry so having a published game is definitely a big goal for some of us.
Anyway, if you do get around to our game it'd be super awesome. I've been spending the past few afternoons making gameplay videos of all the jam games I've rated and I've already done over 30, so getting to see someone play our game would be really amazing to get back.