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Yeah, simple scanline/static filters don't do CRT blur proper justice. It's very important to get the color blending down!

Plus generally, "scanlines" are done incorrectly, as you really need 4 to 8 times the resolution for the lines to apply the distorted image edges of each line to better match the visuals of a real scanline, instead of just a dark spot

Ffs, you're making me really wanna get back into it xD
now that I have a real CRT again, I can examine the phospher glowing effect when output at 240p via composite, and then emulate that to make an even more realistic filter

;) If you got back into the MZ port I sure wouldn't complain! Wasn't my original goal--- that was just to compliment a cool plugin ---but if *I* get to use it, well...

Might not have been the goal, but it worked xD
Ima start soon

(2 edits)

Hi, it would be nice if you update this to work with MZ.  I need it so I can continue to make my game look like an old FF game.

Edit: I did try to see If I could get it working by using the Fossil Plugin but would end up with a black screen instead. 


If all you need is the color filter I can jimmy up one of those for ya~

I mostly need the composite video and The CRT scanline filters for MZ

I did not realize I said MV instead of MZ but yea that would be very nice.