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I know keeping everyone posted can be hard. I also know that working with renply takes a lot of patience as well. Trust I want to make my own vn but I am not a good artist and I don't have the money to pay anyone to do the art work for me. Not to mention I have a 15 year old laptop that I write a book on, play multiple visual novels, and try making 3d models so I can make animated videos using while have a job from 8am - 2 pm 5 days a week and practicing the piano and trying to stream. I try to do a lot at once. Luckily I can with my adhd.

Oh man. That is a lot of stuff to do all at once. I have a normal job on top of the VN and several other stuff. My ADHD works against me sadly and makes me forget to do a lot of things like keep people up to date so it is a constant battle to keep myself in line with everything going on. 

Im always hyper because of my adhd but i learned to control it for the most part but my adhd also effects my attention to stuff. If i start focusing on anything then i wont notice anything else. If i dont focus on anything then i space out

Same here. I do need to keep focus pretty consistently or before I know it several hours have passed by and I have done 0 work. 

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thing is i get focused on one thing and next thing i know, it'll be midnight and i started on it at 8 in the morning.

by the way, this is one of the best visual novels i have played. normally when i play a vn, i wouldn't be this engrossed with it. the story is great. to me its not boring. i wouldn't mind helping you revise and right the code. my ADHD keeps my mind running with ideas about stuff. i do my best at night, but thats because i have a clear mind around that time. its easier to work then.

I know that feeling. I work my best in the evening when my mind is more focused and not racing around because of work and junk. 
As for the code, I have that down pat I was just being super lazy when I first did it and should have been cleaner about it especially since Intertwined has TONS of back-end code for various items with more to come!
As for the story, I could always use an extra pair of eyes for feedback and what not. I am currently working some some re-writes to the prologue and tweaks to a bunch of the writing so I definitely would love some feedback once that is all ready!

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I would love to give you some feedback. If at all possible, I would like to see the files for the vn as well. Just to really get a good idea of how a working vn looks as far as code and everything. 

Oh boy mine is a giant mess. I need to clean up the code a lot before I even let someone look at it because its hard to understand right now.