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Loved it, but I stopped at level 6 (was it 6?), because the amount of backtracking seemed excessive. (first traverse the whole level to drop a stone, then backtrack to the beginning and do some other part to get the pickaxe, then return all the way to the bridge to destroy one of the the two stones there)
The game definitely was at its strongest when the maps were on the smaller side.

Sometimes I morsed different letters- making me wonder what kind of neat commands they could entail. Also, I accidentally morsed 'R'etry a few times- I had a good laugh :D

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you can solve level 6 with no items and lvl 7 with only the first stone...both can also be solved with excessive amount of morse code ;D


...and Thank you for playing my game :D... I planned to have other commands such as "w"ait to input commands and "e"xecute to do them all at fast speed to solve moving hazard puzzles but I figured it would be frustrating if during a chain the player morsed a wrong command and had to start over and over.

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Actually that sounds really really fun to me. But then again, I like the recording feature in vim....

OOoooo controlling vim morse style! BRB