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Fun gameplay, short experience!

Things I enjoyed ✔️

  1. Fun title! I enjoyed my time playing this game!
  2. Gameplay was nice and intuitive, simple, but not easy!
  3. Sprite work is done very well!

Things I would like to possibly see with your title. 🤷‍♂️

  1. Maybe have a warning on the bottom of your screen for upcoming hazards, just to make it more fun for the player
  2. I noticed a small glitch where if your underwater and press space your character skydives again, and you are unable to swim again.

Overall 📓

This game was alot of fun! I enjoyed my time playing it! Art work was well done, gameplay was refined! Great work you two!

Thanks for the feedback. I agree with the problems you pointed out. Since submitting the game we have changed the camera to have more of a "look ahead" so the player gets a little more of a chance. Didn't notice the big though, so thanks for the free testing lol.