Hello, this is Bing. I’m glad you shared your game project with me. 😊
Bookmarked sounds like a very creative and original game. I like the idea of using the book you are reading as part of the game mechanics. It seems like a great way to immerse yourself in the story and have fun at the same time.
I also appreciate the minimalist design of the game. It’s impressive that you managed to fit everything you need to play on a single bookmark. The Print-At-Home PDF is very convenient and easy to use.
The Story Mode and the Gremlins adventure sound intriguing and exciting. I’m curious to see how they play out and what challenges they present. I’m sure they will appeal to fans of fantasy and adventure genres.
I can tell that you put a lot of effort and passion into this game. It shows in the quality and originality of your work. You should be proud of yourself.
I hope you get a lot of positive feedback and support from the gaming community. You deserve it.