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Stats and stat checks

Why are the stat checks always so low? Example >8 or >12.

And why are there so many events without a stat check?

- I mean, there are several events that are scripted for you to get your ass handed to you like you're a lvl1 peasant, by a lvl3 lumberjack. Meanwhile your stats are 5 times greater than one stat check event had required to do an almost super human feat.

While well written, they do feel 'emersion breaking' for those that hit the grind before doing any events. 

You can make extra versions of most of the events to accommodate for different levels, but i am sure that'd be even more work to deliver updates.

You can make the story-lines more linearly intertwined so you don't do a quest where you 1v1 a dragon and win before doing a quest where you get ass whooped by a basic thug.

Maybe make milestone locked level limits? I expect a 'just because you trained a lot doesn't mean you'll actually be good in a real fight' and to that i agree. So maybe make a event/milestone-locked level limits? Y'know? From 0 sword skill you can train to 10 and no further without a 'real life experience' event, then you can improve it to like 25 by training and hit another limit until another improvement inspiring event.

Probably best to apply some kind of mix of those ideas.

I don't know how the game making process' look and i don't know how you are making this one and if you already got those ideas in mind. I like the project and wish the best for it so i had to unload some of my opinions.

I don't know if this was constructive criticism and i hope i don't incite any kind of negative attitude towards the 'creators vision' or creative process.

Much love