so heres some of my thoughts, spoilers obviously
ive reread the prologue quite a few times (cause i like making myself cry ha ha) so these theories will pertain to that, and what im currently rereading
for some dumb reason i never checked it when i literally knew it was a thing during my last playthrough which im kicking myself for but the burning sound effects that happen at certain points in the prologue means that lines of text are added to the backlog, and the static is either lines being erased or not recorded at all in the backlog.
the first line occurs when nerus is talking about how monotonous his life is and mentions how a clock just kinda does its thing on repeat, and in the backlog this line appears: "Perpetual... So boring..."
the second line comes when nerus thinks theres an intruder, which we know later to be lucusti checking in on obli, when nerus goes into shax's room and lights a fire, this line appears: "Sleeping like a little angel..."
theres more but i need to go through and find them all again so ill prob update this once i find them. theres one after nerus confesses to shax his feelings and they return home and mention having to bathe to get all the sand off that reads:
"Well, isn't this cute? Too bad you have already failed him, though. And you know what the best part is? You didn't even notice, despite him acting up in front of you.
Bravo, four eyes and for nothing. Let us see how much longer you manage to retain this tiny bit of "peace" before it all falls apart. I can hardly wait."
now for a theory. the redd manor is nerus's house, im like 99% sure it is. my idea is that theres some time shenanigans going on
im assuming obli is maybe trying to change how things played out but is either being stopped by someone or is just unable to
also, and this is just highly speculating cause my brain likes to associate things a lot, the whole redd manor thing makes me think of a song by Blackbriar called "Crimson Faces" which is about the novel "Rebecca" by Daphne du Maurier, in which the narrorator marries a man whos manor is haunted by the ghost of his dead wife. "Nerus" definitely reads to me like a classic gothic horror romance novel.
just some thoughts i wanted to get down. Nerus is easily one of my absolute favorite VNs. the unique story and characters, and excellent writing, i cant wait to see how it all concludes.
i just hope that nerus and obli/shax end up happy together