Hi, big fan of your work, I got a group playing LIGHT right now and having a blast, and a few months back we ran a couple games of Slayers and all agreed to come back to it at some point.
One thing I wanted clarification on, if I could-- I noticed that the Tactician was making encounters trivial with their Execute Plan special action. I know you typically eschew the concept of balance, but I wanted to make sure we're interpreting the class correctly. Can they use Execute Plan as often as they like in a round? For example, if the Blade keeps on whiffing, can they keep on replacing the Blade's dice for their combo? Are there any restrictions on usage whatsoever? I noticed that the description specifically says it's not an action, which is what led to the assumption that they can use it on as many targets as many times as they like.
The group I play with is already quite large (six people) so to make a fun fight I already have to have quite a few enemies, but if a Tactician is using their increasingly enormous pool to make every teammate attack hit and every enemy attack miss, I feel like I'd have to balloon enemy ranks to the point of absurdity.
Just wanna make sure we're on the same page.