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Very uncommon for a standalone game to be this popular, but in this case the popularity is 100% deserved!

Incredible work on the visuals and soundtrack, and I really appreciate the autofire feature (something a lot of games - including mine - desperately needed).

My only criticism is that the attacks could be balanced a bit better. For example, despite the autofiring, it's still technically better to just spam click since you end up shooting faster. A way to fix this would be to either clamp the fire rate so spamming doesn't work or have the autofire gradually increase fire rate until it roughly matches what a typical player could do with spamming. Also, the bomb/explosion is a bit overpowered and should have a cooldown attached.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you so much for this very kind comment! Yes, here's the juice, the tea!: 

- We had a WebGL build but did not have time to test it before the jam, and without a QA pass we didn't feel comfortable uploading. We are very touched people are taking the time to download. I've rated almost 200 games and I know how much patience it can take :')

- Thank you, each one of us worked hard on the visuals, I did conceptual UI, we had a level designer and modeler, and our programmers did cover art and models and VFX and particle effects, it was insane! :D

- Our sound designer kicks butt, he's a composer too :D 

- Yes for the auto-fire and yes for the spamming of the explosion; both of those are on our polish board and we simply ran out of time to implement and test. Thanks for validating that we need this, we've seen many comments about it and it gives us the reassurance that this is the right way to proceed.

Thanks again :D We love these detailed comments, you're really helping us with our game :)