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I like the idea you're going for here! I like this whole flingaling thing where you throw your person up high to reach different platforms. Unfortunately there's a bug with the second level and it wont register that I've reached the end so I couldn't get very far into the game. Well wishes with your future projects! :)


Oh no! That didn't happen for me at all. What screen resolution are you running the game at? I will fix it tonight and thank you so much for playing and the feedback :) 

My pleasure :). I hope you can get that fixed, my screen is at 1920x1080.

Ok so I fixed the bug, but can't upload while the jam is still ongoing :(

(1 edit)

if you go to the page now theres a link to the hotfixed version  in a big boi disclaimer :) theres only one level more though but i still hope you like it!

you can also just click here