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To start off, I don't really enjoy clicker games, so it's possible I may be rating the game harsher than it deserves. That aside, while the visuals look like they were made in mspaint using the mouse, I suspect that was your intended result, so I'll give it a pass. The music was pleasant enough that it didn't annoy, and I assume again that the contrast with the setting was intended, so you get another pass there. I didn't enjoy the gameplay, however, for a few reasons. First, while the various things I could click were explained fairly clearly, I didn't understand what the numbers were going towards. It also took me a while to notice when the kids were "getting lazy" because the progress bars were already moving so slowly that I didn't see them stop.  Both of these shouldn't be too hard to resolve, such as by explaining how increasing the different homework scores will impact the final score and by including a little alert sound and/or visual signal when a student's progress bar stops, but as it is, I didn't find the game enjoyable even among other clickers. Again, I'm not a fan of the genre as a whole, and it may appeal more to people that aren't me, so I wish you well as as you continue to improve upon it (or move forward to other projects as the case may be).