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Hello! It's time for Feedback Quest 5 with Hythrain!

When I saw this was an RPG, I was excited. The screenshots looked amazing and I wanted to see what sort of shenanigans I'd be getting up to. I was a little thrown off when it turned out to have more farming simulator on it, but no big. I'll just explore and... wait, I left the village? Oh shit, everyone died?! WTF? Ok, hang on, let's be a farmer. I'll just... wait, I died?! What?! Ok, let's go be a guard and- OH COME ON! Literally every path except for the Hero's Path, which itself was kind of agonizing to do, kills you! XD It's so mean to the player!

I'm guessing, as did others in the stream, that this was a learning project. In that situation, I have nothing against it. However, I will still mark things that I think could be improved.

For starters, allowing people to skip through dialogue. When you have to talk to the NPCs with slow text each time to try them out, it can get painful. What I suggest is that if the player clicks when a dialogue box is writing, it finishes the box instantly and then another click can move to the next box. I'd also recommend making it that you can click anywhere (outside of the menu and play buttons, which I feel pop up too early) to progress dialogue.

Next, the number of hits skeletons take in the big boss fight should be reduced. 101 hits is ridiculous, especially since if you just hold the attack button they can't ever fight back.

When you're building houses on the carpenter path, some will teleport the player outside of the work area because their placements are too close to the edge. This is an area that could use improvements in order to not have any weird glitches go on. Similarly, the player should be required to put more effort in when actually building. It seemed less like I was a carpenter and more like I was a lumberjack who could build stuff instantly.

Otherwise, it does have a lot of stuff going for it. I do hope you'll do more with this project, especially to make it longer and less sad. D: