(ง •̀_•́)ง Fight System - Part I
Sorry for the delay, I had to travel to visit my parents, didn't have much time for anything else during the last week.
But now we're back! ᕙ(`▽´)ᕗ
This is one of the three main features of the game. Because of that, this log will be the first part of a lot of upcoming updates (maybe 20 or more, they won't be posted in sequence as I will bounce among different features of the game).
The first important feature of the Fight system is the Camera and enemy targeting, like other 3D games, you will be able to focus on a target when pressing a focus button (Z or R button in a controller for instance).
This is how it looks as of today:
Notice that I start in a free-camera, and once I press the "focus button" the camera locks to the target.
To be honest, I actually press 2 buttons, the focus button as discussed and another "engage button" to make her go to fight mode (like drawing your sword), this is because it will be possible for you to target both foes and friends in case of dialogs for instance.
I know, baby steps, but brick by brick we will build a great game, you will see :)
The game is 15.3% complete and 39.6% ready for alpha release.